We started to notice that Polly had become less interested in her food and she went down to the tiny weight of 1.4kg. The medication that she was on can have some side effects. Poor appetite, vomiting and lethargy were all symptoms that Polly had started to exhibit, a combination of the medication and old age. The decision was made that in her best interest we would stop giving her the medication.
Polly had also started to refuse to take them as if she wanted us to stop. Polly is a very old cat and we have decided that for now it is kinder for her to live out her days and to take each day as it comes. She might not have long left but she is being treated like a princess and gets whatever food she wants, her favourite is chicken. We have seen an improvement in her since stopping the medication. She seems to have more energy and she has gone back to doing her 'patrols' as we call them. Polly likes to patrol the cattery throughout the day especially during the morning. She loves to say hello to everyone and to check we are all doing our jobs properly! Good news as well she now weighs 1.8kg.
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