Another water baby!
What is going on with our cats after neutering? They all seem to develop an obsession with water! You may remember from a previous blog post that Poppy turned loopy after her op a few weeks ago and drenched her house with water. It happened again yesterday with an adorable cat called Smartie. She purred the whole time from when she woke up from her op. She really was adorable all afternoon. All glary eyed after the anaesthetic and rolling around purring in one of our recovery op cages.
As soon as she was put back in her pen with her litter-mates she went straight to her water bowl knocked it over and soaked all the bedding and the floor. Not too sure her sisters were that impressed with her antics! So we decided that the best option was to give her a stone water bowl in the hope that some water would stay in it. How wrong we were! She proceeded to put both of her paws in the water bowl at the same time and start splashing water all over the pen. Very funny indeed, so in the end after several re-fills of water we gave up and left her too it! At least this makes a change to grumpy cats are neutering, we much prefer happy ones!

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