The Precious Diaries - Part 2

The staff have been spending lots of time with her since she arrived, and we have been letting her out for little walks every day. After a couple of days she was moving about a lot more, and was able to walk a lot faster with less wobbling too. We decided to give her the extra large accident cage so she had a bit more space to exercise her legs, and now she stands up and "miaows" to greet you when you enter the room. The air underneath her skin has also started to go down a bit, so we are hoping that soon it will all have gone and she will be back to her normal shape and size. Although she is improving there is still a long way to go until she makes a full recovery, and she will never go back to how she was before. When she is well enough, she will also have her tail amputated as it now gets dragged behind her where she can no longer feel it.
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