Gone to heaven
Wilma, Pebbles and Bam-Bam arrived at the centre after being brutally thrown out from a moving vehicle. We always knew that the kittens might not make it, but it doesn't make it any easier. Cat Carer Holly was looking after Pebbles when it happened.
"She died in the early
hours of yesterday morning. I rushed her to the vets at 6am after she
suffered what appeared to be a stroke or seizure. She has gone to Pets
at Rest to be cremated, thank you Sue for being so kind.
I'm not sure that I will ever get over this. I feel guilty, angry and very sad. This horrific story and heart-breaking ending highlights what we are up against. I did all I could to save her but it was not enough. I take comfort in the fact that during her last days with me she was loved. I miss her so very much and I will keep her memory alive. I am so upset,
goodnight my little angel, sleep tight, all my love Holly xxx"
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