6:30 - 8:30am: Feed time for Eric, after a night in the land of nod. It's important to make sure you help Eric to empty his bladder and bowel before and after every feed if he needs to go! After his feed Eric loves to play and have snuggles. Sometimes he needs a bath and he loves having his face washed after a feed.
8:30- 10:30am: Back to bed for little Eric, he's tired after all that fun.
10:30am - 12noon: Time for more cuddles and some more milk if he is hungry.
12pm - 2pm: Depending on how tired Eric is he usually has a sleep and maybe some more play time. He really loves all the attention he receives.

6pm - 11pm: As above Eric is hungry again, then he sleeps for an hour or so and loves to have more cuddles, he really loves cuddles!

Eric is such a little angel, how could anyone not love him. He is a well socialised kitten, having already lived with fours other cats and a dog whilst staying with Emily. He has listened to the guitar, been dried with a hairdryer and he has been handled by lots of different people.
He is now four weeks old and he is starting to look like a little cat. He is now walking with more confidence each day and is becoming a cheeky little monkey. We are delighted with his progress. This week Emily is on holiday so she is going to try and wean Eric onto solid food. He now weighs 480g, he is little porker! Being on solid food with make him grow even stronger and he will slowly have less milk feeds.
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