Cats Protection is being gripped by a pensioner crisis – no-one wants to adopt its feline senior citizens.
Cats Protection says that its unwanted older cats aged 12 years and above - 65 years and over in human terms - now wait, on average, 96 days before being adopted – 32 per cent longer than in 2010 and well above the charity’s average adoption rate of 40 days.
This has led the organisation to issue an appeal for people to adopt a feline senior citizen or make a donation towards the cost of their care.

“It is a great shame because they make wonderful pets and companions, and improvements in cat care have greatly raised the life expectancy and quality of life for many cats, meaning that many now live to their late teens and early 20s in remarkably good health. However, it’s always worth considering taking out pet insurance for your older cat, checking that it will cover the cat in case of any illness that may arise in the future.”
As older cats take up pen spaces for many months, it costs Cats Protection more to care for them and prevents other needy cats from being helped. However, older cats have a lot to offer owners because of their settled and laid-back natures and liking for human company so a new home or a donation would really help – just £6 could feed an older cat for a month.
Older cats currently waiting for new homes at our centre are - Captain and Poppy two cuddly cats who were abandoned in our car park. Rupert a loving lad with regal good looks. Molly a friendly tortie girl of 10yrs who has plenty of love still to give. Of course we have many, many more so please come along to the centre to meet them. You can view the cats on our website too.
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