We have been following the progress of Molly and her four very cute kittens. We simply can't believe how fast the time has gone since Molly gave birth. They are now six weeks old and growing at a rapid rate.
On Sunday it was time for the kittens to have their first course of worming treatment. So they all had a health check by Cat Care Assistant Holly. They were also weighed and each had half a kitten milbemax tablet. Milbemax is a broad spectrum wormer and helps to treat and prevent tapeworm, roundworm and heartworm.

When the kittens are nine weeks old we will treat them for fleas as well. This makes sure that the kittens are worm and flea free when they go to their new homes.
You can really see from the photographs how much they have grown. The kittens are now almost fully weaned and are really starting to tuck into kitten food. They are much more independent and spend more time separate from mum. The are also extremely active and they love to explore their new world around them.
Look out for the next instalment of their diary. Soon enough they will be old enough to be re-homed.
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