Monday, 27 August 2012
New babies
Cozzie and her kittens
Cozzie and her three gorgeous kittens came into the centre last week. They have settled in well and Cozzie is a fantastic mum. She is so attentive and affectionate, a real cutie.
The kittens are around three weeks old and they are all girls. They will not be available for reservation for a few weeks yet. Cozzie will also be up for adoption. She would make a perfect family cat.

Reserving kittens
A polite notice to everyone that the kittens that appear on the blog may not be ready for reservation yet. All of our kittens are seen by the vet when they are six weeks old for a health check. Once the vet is happy that they are fit and healthy, visitors are able to view them and reserve them.

Sunday, 26 August 2012
Success Story - Zephie (was Tess)
Adopted earlier in the year. Here are some lovely photos sent in of Zephie in her new home.
"We think she has settled rather well. She certainly rules the roost!"
Re-united after a traumatic event
Lindy and Ethel
We are continuing to keep a close eye on Ethel, she is very small for a kitten of 12 weeks of age. She has been eating well and mum has been on hand looking after her. Both of them have started a course of worming treatment. Fingers crossed that little Ethel is through the worst and on the road to a full recovery.
On Monday we received a call from East Cowes Fuel Limited to say that they had found a mother cat and one seriously ill kitten. The Kitten had been found trapped down a large shaft. The mother was obviously distressed and the kitten was in a life threatening condition.
The kitten now named Ethel was rushed to the vets and stayed overnight. She was severely dehydrated and malnourished. After a few days at the vets she was re-united with mum Lindy. It was a heart warming sight. Both of them were obviously relieved to see each other again.
We are continuing to keep a close eye on Ethel, she is very small for a kitten of 12 weeks of age. She has been eating well and mum has been on hand looking after her. Both of them have started a course of worming treatment. Fingers crossed that little Ethel is through the worst and on the road to a full recovery.
Friday, 24 August 2012
Cat of the month - Tom
Purr-fect family cat
Hello my name is Tom, I am a young handsome male who is full of beans.
I have explored most of the cat centre now, the toilet, the kitchen,
the laundry room, but now I am looking for my own home to investigate.
Someone needs to pick me because I am playful, energetic and just love
I will be so much fun to have around and I can't wait to become part
of your family. I'm ready to go now! I
don't want to wait any longer.
Please come and meet Tom, we are open daily from 11am-3pm. Tom will be waiting!!
Tuesday, 21 August 2012
Kitten update
Leila and Kittens
For that night she was kept separate for a few hours from the others to recover. The next morning she was a little wobbly. We are happy to say that she is now back to normal. A proper little fighter.
Sweety and her family
Sweety and her kittens are doing very well. As you can see the babies are getting bigger by the day. The kittens are now three weeks old. Sweety seems very contented, she really is such a lovely cat.
Don't forget that all of our kittens will be available for reservation from six weeks of age. They will be seen by the vet and signed off ready for potential adopters to view them. If you are interested in adopting a kitten from us please call us at the centre on 01983 562609. We can then let you know which kittens are available for viewing.
Leila and her kittens were abandoned at the gates a few weeks ago. The kittens really are so cute and friendly. When you open their pen door they come running up to meet you.
Just over a week ago we had a real scare with the tortie kitten. By accident mum Leila jumped out of the pen and took the kitten with her. The tortie girl landed on the ground and was knocked out and lifeless. For a moment we thought the worst. She was rushed to the vets, but on the way there she began to stir.
Smartie and her babies
Just over a week ago we noticed that Smartie had become limp in her back legs. For a week she was on metacam pain relief. She is now back to normal, we were concerned about her. We are not sure why this happened to her.
Here are the latest photos of this adorable family. They are growing up so fast!
Sweety and her family

Sweety and her kittens are doing very well. As you can see the babies are getting bigger by the day. The kittens are now three weeks old. Sweety seems very contented, she really is such a lovely cat.
Don't forget that all of our kittens will be available for reservation from six weeks of age. They will be seen by the vet and signed off ready for potential adopters to view them. If you are interested in adopting a kitten from us please call us at the centre on 01983 562609. We can then let you know which kittens are available for viewing.
Sunday, 19 August 2012
Weighing kittens
How much?!
Some of them look quite put out by the experience! Others are just totally shocked by how much they weigh. It can be one of the most comical jobs trying to make them stay still in a tub on the scales. Nine times out of ten they fall out, but we get there in the end.
Every week at the centre we weigh all of our kittens to check on their progress. Here are a few funny photos of some of the kittens being weighed last week.
Thursday, 16 August 2012
Success Story - Dexter
When Dexter came into the centre he was extremely nervous. He was re-homed a few weeks ago to a lovely couple in Porchfield. What a lucky boy, a massive house out in the middle of nowhere. Here is an update and some amazing photos of Dexter. It's remarkable how a little love can make a big difference.
"Hi, Just a couple of photos attached to show how Dexter is settling in – seems to have taken over after only 3 weeks! "
When Dexter came into the centre he was extremely nervous. He was re-homed a few weeks ago to a lovely couple in Porchfield. What a lucky boy, a massive house out in the middle of nowhere. Here is an update and some amazing photos of Dexter. It's remarkable how a little love can make a big difference.
"Hi, Just a couple of photos attached to show how Dexter is settling in – seems to have taken over after only 3 weeks! "
Tuesday, 14 August 2012
Feline Immunodefiency Virus (FIV)
The Facts
FIV is a virus in cats that is similar
to the human virus, HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). However, FIV
does not infect humans and HIV does not infect cats.

Signs of FIV are varied but usually result from a weakened immune system and therefore a vulnerability to other infections. Once disease develops infected cats may:
- Become repeatedly ill, for example, with cat flu, sore gums, skin disease or digestive upset
- Simply seem “off-colour” or have a high temperature
- Take a long time to recover from infection
- Lose weight
- Develop tumours
Cats with FIV may be more susceptible to secondary infections or tumours and may be a risk to other cats. For these reasons, it is important that they are kept indoors so they are separate from FIV negative cats to protect them from other infectious diseases and to stop them giving the virus to other cats.
FIV is diagnosed by blood testing a
cat. Vets can quickly perform a test that detects the antibodies to the
virus in blood. It is recommended that positive results (particularly
those from otherwise healthy cats) are sent for confirmation using a
different test at an external laboratory, as false positive results can
occur. Kittens less than five
to six months old many have had antibodies passed on to them by their
infected mothers, but not the virus itself. Only a third of kittens born
to FIV-positive mothers actually have FIV themselves. Special tests to
detect the virus should be performed on such kittens or antibody tests
should be repeated when the kittens are five to six months old.

Unfortunately, there is currently no vaccine for FIV in the UK although, getting your cat neutered reduces their chance of contracting FIV through fighting.
FIV positive cats should be kept indoors, away from contact with cats that do not have the virus. However they can live alongside cats with the same condition. They can live long and fulfilled lives and make fantastic companions.
Sirius - Adorable boy
Currently here at the Isle of Wight Adoption Centre we have a lovely FIV boy called Sirius. The poor lad came in with lots of war wounds and one of them has become infected. He is currently on a course of painkillers and anti-biotics. He is such a friendly, loving cat and he is very talkative too. So please come up to the centre to meet this charming boy. He would be purr-fect for someone living in a flat with no access to a garden. All he needs now is someone's love.
Sunday, 12 August 2012
Tigger - Fun and games
Regulars followers of the blog will remember Tigger. He was a resident cat here at the centre for only a few weeks then he was adopted. A lovely couple who have had many cats from us in the past, including a twenty-one year old offered him a new home. So off he went, bags packed and all! Here is the latest update on Tigger and his new family.
Dear all at Cats Protection,
Dear all at Cats Protection,
Just a message to tell you all about
our fun and games on Saturday, needless to say about Tigger. We got up, I let dog and other cats out, before
feeding everyone. I then fixed the cat flap
so it couldn't be used. I had given Tigger his food and left the door
open from room where he was. I also opened the window in there, all of
about half an inch. Then we sat down to have coffee and toast.
Next we
hear a bang. That's right, a certain someone had
pushed the window open and jumped out. So I down everything and go into
the garden, no sign. I then find him wandering around just past the
greenhouse, call him and he comes to me. He follows me in, at least
until we got to the shed, it was then decided I'm
going back where I came from. I came on in and after about 30mins. no
sign, so Shaun goes off to look for him.
After what seemed like ages, Shaun
came in, took the harness and lead, said Tigger had somehow got into
the field at the very bottom of the garden and
didn't seem to know how to get back. Shaun walked along the road, down
the track and into the field, put the lead on Tigger, lifted him over
the fence, then tied him to a tree, so he could come back himself along
the road. When he got him in, Tigger just crashed.
Pleased to say though that he's been out a lot since, but stayed in the
garden and every so often comes in to see me. At night though, or if
I've gone out, then I shut him in. I'll do that until next week, when
I'm certain he's alright. All good fun in this
Love, Sandy. xxx
Tuesday, 7 August 2012
New borns
Sweety and her kittens
Sweety came into the centre a few weeks ago, she was heavily pregnant. She has lived up to her name, she is such a sweety. Last Wednesday she went into labour and gave birth to six tiny babies.
Sweety seems so contented and the babies are doing very well. This photo was taken yesterday of the happy little family.
We will continue to keep you updated on this adorable little family.

We will continue to keep you updated on this adorable little family.
Early neutering
Don't let kittens have kittens
Neutering is the only effective way to reduce the number of unwanted cats in the UK. We recommend that pet cats are neutered at four months of age or younger, before they start puberty, to prevent unplanned pregnancies. This short video shows what is involved when neutering male and female kittens and discusses the benefits of the procedure.
Neutering is the only effective way to reduce the number of unwanted cats in the UK. We recommend that pet cats are neutered at four months of age or younger, before they start puberty, to prevent unplanned pregnancies. This short video shows what is involved when neutering male and female kittens and discusses the benefits of the procedure.
Saturday, 4 August 2012
Abandoned at the gates
Leila and her kittens
Last week we came into work to find a cat carrier by the front gate. As Lynne one of the Cat Carers drove into the car park she saw the carrier by the gate. To her horror right in front of her eyes a tortoiseshell cat escaped from the carrier. Lynne was unable to do anything about it and the cat vanished out of sight. On closer inspection of the carrier we found that there were five two week old kittens inside. We also noticed that the carrier was missing a clip, this meant it wasn't secure.
The next day the family were re-united and what a wonderful sight it was. Mummy Leila was so relieved and the whole family contented.

We searched throughout the day to try and find the mother cat but we had no luck. By the end of the day Cat Carer Kelly took the kittens home with her for the night. Without regular milk feeds every three to four hours the kittens might not have survived the night.
The decision was made to take a chance of getting the mother back by setting a trap by the gate. We also left the cat carrier they came in by the gates. We couldn't quite believe it when by pure luck we got mum back! At around 10pm that night, her mothering instinct kicked in and she was caught in the trap. What an ordeal for her.
Little Eric
Not so little!
Our little man Eric is now 7 weeks old, we can't quite believe it. He is growing up to be quite the cheeky little chappy. He has now been weaned onto solid food, but still have some milk before bed!
Last Monday we also blood tested Eric for aids and leukaemia, we were all relieved that the result came back as negative. The vet is very pleased with his progress, he is thriving.
Cat Carer Emily has decided to adopt Eric. Eric has lived with Emily since he was two days old. Eric has only spent a few days with other people. He is the most well socialised kitten, everybody loves him.
More photos of Eric will follow, so watch this space!

Here a funny photo of Eric enjoying his milk! Just look how big he is now.
The photo to the left was taken when Eric was 5 weeks old. He has grown considerably since then. He now loves running around, exploring and playing. Everything a kitten should do.
Cat Carer Emily has decided to adopt Eric. Eric has lived with Emily since he was two days old. Eric has only spent a few days with other people. He is the most well socialised kitten, everybody loves him.
More photos of Eric will follow, so watch this space!
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Kitten Socialisation
Learning skills for life
currently have over 50 kittens here at the adoption centre and it is
very important that we socialise them before they go to new homes.
Kittens learn most of their life skills between the age of two to ten
weeks. If a kitten misses this crucial period of socialisation it will
not be accustomed to being handled and could become aggressive or
nervous. Socialising the kittens here at the adoption centre is
fundamentally important because kittens can go to homes quicker.
shows a kitten exploring a litter tray that we have filled
with cat litter, wood shavings, soil and pebbles. It is also important
that the kittens get used to different people and other animals.
staff here at the adoption centre socialise the kittens every day (if
we get a chance). It's not only very important but a lot of fun as well. We have also started to train our volunteers to do this.
We are taking part in a kitten socialisation study. The Cat Longitudinal Analysis of Welfare Study, or ‘C.L.A.W.S.’ This is an exciting new study being undertaken by researchers at the University of Bristol. They aim to collect a range of information on kittens aged 2 – 6 months until they are two years old. Collecting
information about kittens early on in life and then following their
development into adult cats will inform them of how the early
environment of a kitten shapes his/her later health and behaviour.
To find out more about this click on this link.
you are interested in adopting a cat or kitten from us then please come
along to the centre. We are open daily from 11am-3pm. Our address is
122 Marlborough Road, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 1AW. Our telephone number
is 01983 562609.
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