Rowan's tiny babies
Rowan came into the centre on Tuesday with her six four day old kittens. Mum and babies are doing very well. It has taken Rowan some time to adjust but she is settling down. She has five tabby and white kittens and one tabby.
April's family
Just look how huge April's babies have gotten! Three chunky little cuties they are.
April is lucky to have such a small litter of only three. This means that there is less competition between the litter mates for the best nipple!
We have started to introduce the kittens to solid food, soon they will be fully weaned and old enough to go to homes.
Sooty's babies
This little family are growing up so fast as well. Mum Sooty is such a sweetheart, so much so that she just would not stay still for a photo! She kept nudging the camera and purring, bless her.
So here is a photo of the kittens instead. They are at the stage now that they are becoming more adventurous. They are starting to explore their surroundings. They will be four weeks old on Monday.
Jenny's kittens
Jenny really is the most sweet and gentle mum. Just look at that gorgeous face of hers.
We have been keeping a special eye on all of them. As you may remember poor Jenny had an infected nipple. This has now almost fully healed.
We noticed that one of Jenny kittens (torby and white female) was much smaller than the others. So we have been weighing the kittens everyday. On average a kitten at this age should put on between 10-15grams in 24 hours. Jenny's little kitty weighed almost 100 grams less than her biggest kitten.
We have been making sure that the little female has been suckling. On a couple of days we gave her a top up feed of Cimicat, this is formulated milk for hand-rearing kittens. So far we have been very pleased with how much weight she has been putting on everyday. Her weight is slowing creeping up. We will keep you updated on how Jenny's family are doing.